December 13, 2009

We (Heart) Orthodontists

I had perfectly straight and healthy teeth growing up, not getting my first cavity until just after my senior year of high school. I assumed (and we all know what happens when we assume something!) that my kids would follow in my footsteps that way. Unfortunately, none of the three have.

Evan and Braden have both had braces on for the past two-and-a-half years. Braden has been told that he will get his top braces off at his next visit in a week, and hopefully only 6 more weeks before the bottom come off as well. Evan has at least one or two more visits, and then his should be off also.

Savannah, although only 10, already knows that braces are in her near future. Earlier today she came to me to let me know that she's got her mouth all figured out.

Intrigued, I asked, "Really?"

"Yes," she replied. "My top teeth hate each other," showing me the wide, nearly identical gaps between all of her top teeth. They certainly do look like they're trying to avoid one another.

"And the bottom ones love each other," she continued, pointing to the bottom row where about 6 in a row fight for the same inch of space on her jawline. "Look, it's a group hug!"

Sigh... At least she has a good sense of humor about it. Maybe she can become a comedian to help offset the cost of yet another 2-3 years at the orthodontist.


Nicole Norris said...

Oh I am so sorry. I had braces for like 4 years and it was awful. I do love how Savannah described her teeth. So cute!

Something Happened Somewhere Turning said...

For some reason I see this in my future.